Not one but TWO American Psycho replicas now available!

I’ve been a busy little bee on a variety of fronts, including finding more replicas to make! As mentioned in my previous post, it was a no-brainer to get into making reproductions of everyone else’s business cards, including doing actual foil for Luis Carruthers! Well, those cards finally came back and I’m happy to say the set is now available!

Another project that came up suddenly, however, are reproductions of Patrick Bateman’s prescription pill bottle! It makes only a brief appearance in the movie (when he goes to his bathroom to “suit up” for Paul Allen’s death). These use real prescription pill bottles that are re-used and repurposed (they are sanitized beforehand), with a label wholly recreated by myself based on what is shown in the movie. It’s a rather simple piece but I’m actually quite proud of it 😀

I’ve got a couple more ideas in the works, I’m hoping to post one of them real, real soon… hint: it will be a fun little original for Breaking Bad fans!

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